Sunday, January 3, 2010

I will no longer be trippin'.

The foothills of the Sierra Nevada have sharp spikes of rock coming out of the hills. Pretty amazing looking.

I watched the light fade over El Capitan.

The still water creates such a clear reflection of the surrounding landscapes.

The light came and went from the clouds, and the fog moved in and out.

El Capitan caught the sunsets beautiful warm tones.

The light faded over everything and let just the highest cliffs catch the light. Another day in the books.

The Mist Trail was my next adventure. Sadly I wasn't able to take the trail up to the top of Half Dome because the cables enabling hikers to ascend to the top are down in the winter.

The water everywhere is beautifully clear.

A bridge that crossed the water was a viewing point for the waterfall. It seemed a lot of hikers just got to this point and turned back after getting a few quick shots. It was funny to see people get to the bridge and take photos of themselves, then they would walk a few steps more and actually see the waterfall.

The surrounding cliffs were beautiful.

Nevada and Vernal Falls were visible from the trail. When in the higher elevations the snow hadn't melted and was packed from traffic from hikers. This created an adventure. It was like a slide on the way down. I felt like I threw out my back a few times trying to catch my balance.

Vernal Falls was beautiful from across the valley. The trail down was even more icy.

The sheer granite without any vegetation is a wonderful gray.

The rock in the streambed was completely flat. It did look inviting to explore even though it was cold, and many signs warned of how dangerous that would be.

Emerald Pool was iced over of course.

The bridge is in view from the falls. I love seeing how far I have hiked.

The thunder echoed off the walls of the valley.

Below the falls the black rocks covered in white snow.

Looking back up to the icy trail that I now had to climb up intimidated me a bit. I had to pick up a sturdy pine branch to hike with. I would have busted my ass quite a few times if I had not.

I was going to see the sequoia groves on Yosemite before I left the park again, but of course the darkness fell before I got the chance.

As soon as I left out of 120 i remembered that I promised myself that I wouldn't take this way out. This road is so damn winding. A lovely terribly thick fog was present as well, yay.

Seeing more deer just standing by the roadside woke me bit more. At this point my trip is over.

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